Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Here are some great tips for eating some of your favorites this Thanksgiving from Fitness magazine.

Turkey is a dynamite healthy protein source -- unless it's deep fried and slathered with gravy. Sarah Krieger, RD, National Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, points out that a serving of turkey provides almost half of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid and is a good source of vitamin B, zinc, and potassium. These nutrients have been found to keep blood cholesterol down, protect against cancer and heart disease, and boost the immune system (not bad for an old bird). A normal portion size is usually 3 to 4 ounces -- and if you stick to white meat and peel the skin off, you'll literally save hundreds of calories at the Thanksgiving table. Fortunately, turkey is one of those dieter's dream foods that will fill you up when you eat just a little.

Sweet potatoes are among the healthiest vegetables around -- so long as they don't get doused with butter, marshmallows, or some other high-calorie holiday sabotage. If roasted -- which keeps the flavor very intense without adding fat -- sweet potatoes burst with fiber, vitamin A, potassium, and phytochemicals, which stave off aging, cancer, and arthritis. Plus, they're very filling, so you don't have to overload your plate with them.

Talk about a healthy food in need of a name change. This fluffy side is often regarded as one of the most fattening (and, well, stomach-stuffing) holiday dishes, but with only a few minor adjustments it can actually be a healthy standout. Pack it with nuts, dried fruits, carrots, and celery, and you'll benefit from fiber and a range of vitamins, recommends Krieger. Also, and this is crucial: Use low sodium chicken broth instead of butter to keep the dish moist and low in fat.

Eat what you love, but practice portion control. 
There is no need to eat as though it's your last meal! 
Eat slowly and enjoy every bite. 
Load up your plate with veggies and fill up on them.

Enjoy the love and fellowship of those you are with. 

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