Friday, April 8, 2011

Routine, routine, routine...

The past two weeks I have discovered something about myself... I crave routine!  In the months that I have been unemployed I have missed having that routine in my life.  I am a creature of habit.  I watch the same TV shows, shop at the same stores, do laundry on the same weekday, eat at the same restaurants and on and on and on...  If you throw a monkey wrench into the mix it totally throws me off my game.  I need to learn how to make this work for me in my search for health.  I have read many times that you need to have variety in your diet, but I no think that FOR ME the opposite is true.  If I know what foods I am going to have (that I enjoy and that satisfy me) I find it much easier to stick to my diet.  Maybe if I were a good cook this would be different, but if you have ever had to eat a meal that I prepared than you would know I am NOT!  Hahahaha!  I just stick to what I know and it works for me.  It also applies to my exercise.  Exercising at the same time each day helps me be faithful to get it done.  Anytime I try to change that, I don't do as well.  So for now I will do what I now works for me and works with my "borderline OCD" personality.

I am back to working out twice a week with my trainer.  I did not realize just how hard it would be to jump back in after so much time out, but Melissa is a patient teacher and a true encourager.  I feel so lucky to have found her and I know I will succeed in part due to her help.  As I start my new job in a week and a half, I think my time with her will become even more important.  She will be my "true north" while things are somewhat chaotic in those first few weeks.  Since I am going to have to start getting up earlier (YUCK!!)  I am going to try to add eight minutes of  "wake up exercises" into my morning routine.  I picked up a book at GoodWill called 8 Minutes Every Morning that has a simple routine of two moves a day, 12 reps of each, to get your blood pumping in the morning and to kick start your metabolism.  I'll let you know how that goes.  It'll be tough for me because I am NOT a morning person.  I'll give it a good try anyway!

I am cleaning out my pantry this weekend to get rid of some of the junk that "somebody" snuck into my kitchen while I wasn't looking .(How did that happen??)  I am restocking with healthier snacks and fruit and veggies.  Starting this next week I will be tracking my food intake again.  Writing down what I eat keeps me mindful of what I am fueling my body with.  I am being the most mindful of calories and fat content.  I also need to keep an eye on the sodium.  And of course water, water water!!

I am excited about the new phase of my life I am about to start! 

It is never to late, in fiction or in life, to revise. - Nancy Thayer