Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why blog?

Well, I have now officially entered the 21st century!  Last month I got a Droid and now I blog!  okay, so I'm still a little behind...oh well!
Many of you have seen my posts on FaceBook about my journey to get healthy.  I have gotten so many great notes of encouragement and many messages asking me questions about exactly what I am doing.  I thought this might be a better way to put my information out there.  I know there are a lot of bloggers who are probably funnier and more interesting than me...okay, not more interesting...but I feel like I have a lot to share.  I am learning new things, reading new books, and tasting new and healthier food and I want to share that.  If only one person gets started on thier road to healthy and is encouraged by my blog, then I will have accomplished a lot.
So keep checking back and I will be adding stuff all the time.
Let me hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. When I hit 249 I said that I would NEVER hit 250. So......I am now 205 as of yesterday. I am an emotional eater and this is extremely hard to stop. I eat just to eat, to crunch and feel yucky when I eat the "bad" stuff. I am getting better at small portions and staying away from the "white stuff". I know God is asking me to overcome this, yet it seems to be an addiction that rules over me. Daily, one step at a time and getting my butt up and out the door and planning my meals the night before help me. I am so proud of you and your goals. I know how good it feels to be able to loose two pants sizes. Now to loose three more........
