Friday, October 29, 2010

My evolution

The date: August 11, 2010.  I have just made a monumental leap in my personal evolution. 

For many, MANY years now I have been a sloth.  Content to sit at a desk all day, then transfer slowly to the couch after work and then to slowly drag myself to the bed each night.  Using as little actual body movement as possible, of course.  Major exercise was my trip to the kitchen each evening for whatever sugary treats I could find.

My first workouts with my trainer proved that I was about as muscle-less as a person can get.  Getting used to moving was a challange.  So we started with 15 minutes a day of walking and what my trainer approperately title "couch potato exercises".  That was basically 15 reps of basic movements during commercials while I watched TV each night.  Within 2 weeks I had definately moved up to snail.  I was feeling a little more sure of myself and beginning to beleive I might, just might, be able to do this!

By the end of the first 30 days, I had made a major evolutionary jump to turtle!  I joined a gym (*ZX for Zero eXcuses) and started walking on the treadmill at least 5 days a week.  I was soon up to 45 minutes each time.  On weekends Tim and I would go to the Swamp Rabbit Trail and walk together.  We built up to about 6.5 miles within 4 weeks.  My routine included treadmill walking, couch potato exercises and 2 workouts a week with my trainer.  I realized I was feeling better, sleeping better and my sugar cravings had really subsided.  I might just be able to do this!

Still beleiving that there was a runner trapped under all this fat, I decided to try to let her out.  I was scared to death of running and looking like an idiot.  Nothing worse than seeing a fat girl trying to run and all that fat just flying everywhere, right??  WRONG!  That is exactly who we should be applauding and encouaraging!  And that girl was ME!  So I am apllauding myself for ever baby step I take.  And all of the encouragement from friend and family is what keeps me going and keeps me trying.

I'm not sure what the next evolutionary step is yet.  Right now it's just one step at a time...keep moving...keep believing...


1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, girl! I'm so proud of you and each of your "baby steps!" :)
