YOU On A Diet by Michael F. Roizen, MD and Mehmet C. Oz, MD
I have seen Dr. Oz on TV often and I really like his "delivery" of information. So when I saw this book on the shelf I was anxious to dig in. I was not disappointed! I am a health book junkie! I will read any diet or nutrition book I can get my hands on. The usual fare is what to eat, what time to eat, etc. This book is mainly a textbook on how your body uses/reacts to what you put in it. The doctor's explain how different types of foods effect your body and your metabolism in specific ways. This book is not about "dieting". It is about how to get the healthy body you want and NEED. This book is about the science of health and dieting. They use a lot of humor to drive home their points. They explain the biological and psychological reasons we react to food the way we do. There are also over 100 recipes and a slew of exercises to go along with your new found information
It was a real eye-opener for me. This is a book I will definitely read again.
You can find this book on Amazon. There are several used copies for sale there also: