Wednesday, December 14, 2011 it over yet???

Hi strangers!  It's been a really long time since we last met here!  2011 was a tough year.  At the end of 2010 I had been working out at the gym and with a trainer for almost 5 months.  And though it was slow, I was making steady progress on my weight-loss goals.  Then on December 3rd I was laid off from my job.  The next several months of unemployment left me discouraged and on a downward spiral.  I quit my trainer and the gym and eventually gained back the weight I had lost.  My sister Ellen continued to deteriorate health-wise and on August 20th she lost her battle with amyloidosis.  I told my husband Tim that I felt like 2011 was the worst year I had ever had. 
However, I have to admit it wasn't all bad:
  • In April I was hired at UPS through a temp agency and in October I was added permanently.  I absolutely love working there!  The work is good and my co-workers are great! 
  • In November Tim and I celebrated our eleventh anniversary (on 11-11-11) with a great party at Mojo's with our good friends and family. 
  • The third major positive event of 2011 involves a Greenville trainer who had a contest.  Justin Bowers offered 8 weeks of free personal training to three  people in the upstate.  You had to post a video on YouTube convincing him to choose you, and guess who won??  YOURS TRULY!!  So now starting the first week of January, I will be working the max!  For eight weeks Justin will be training me and posting the results (as will I).
I have been trying to get back into the gym and especially on the treadmill in preparation for the hard work in my near future.  Although at times in the past year I have felt like a failure (again), I know in my heart that I am not.  The only failure is not trying at all. 
As one of my New Year resolutions I am going to be more faithful on blogging and keeping you up to date on my never ending fight to be healthy.  I would welcome you comments and feedback anytime.  And if you are on your own search for health, I would love to hear of your successes...and failures.
Merry Christmas...and a VERY happy New Year!!

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