Saturday, December 11, 2010

Big changes

Man, it's been a crazy week!  Last Friday I was getting ready to go to lunch when my boss called me into his office.  Very matter-of-factly he told me that he had decided to "restructure" his business and was eliminating my position...he was letting me go.  It was like having the rug pulled out from under me!  It was such a shock!  I was given several weeks of pay and sent on my way.  I cried all afternoon waiting for Tim to get home.  He was very supportive and encouraging.

We went out to supper that night and I decided to "treat" myself to chicken alfredo pizza.  Saturday and Sunday I allowed myself to wallow in self-pity and ate whatever I wanted.  And no exercise either.  Come Sunday night I started feeling pretty bad and woke up Monday with a yucky head cold.  I guess the bright side was I didn't have to call in sick!  HA!

Now here I am, a week later, and way off my diet and exercise plan!  I haven't gained any weight back, but I haven't moved forward either.  I know these kinds of things will happen and this is my first real test, but I think I have failed this test miserably.  That does NOT mean that I have to drop out.  Tomorrow is another day. 

Since I will not be working I have the unique opportunity to ramp up my exercise and get back on track.  I stopped at the grocery store earlier and loaded up on fruit and a few healthy meal choices.  I think a key for me while I am not working is to stay on a strick schedule of meals and snacks and a good exercise plan.  It will be too easy to sit in front of the TV all day and snack, so I want to have a plan.  I also want to try some of the classes offered at my gym and I'm hoping they won't be as full during the day.  On days that the weather is nice I want to get to the track and run.  And I plan to double my treadmill time.  Tim and I both agreed that keeping my sessions with the trainer is more important now than ever.  I need the accountability even more than before.

I do have a phone interview on Monday for an office assistant job I would love to have.  I will continue to look for a position and send out resumes.  In the meantime I will continue to work towards my goal of a healthier lifestyle.  I hope I will use this time wisely and make smart decisions.  I'll keep you posted!

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